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I have been communicating with animals since I was a young child and began working professionally as an animal communicator in 1999.

I have studied and continue to practice Earth Wisdom teachings to honor my ancestors, the gifts I have been given and my commitment to the Earth and all Beings that call her home.

I live in Mt. Shasta, California with my partner and assorted four-leggeds. In 2006 I moved from the Bay area to this quieter community, allowing me to live closer to nature, stay out of my car and create the kind of lifestyle that suits me. I believe that this shift in my quality of life has led to clearer sessions with animals and people.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Performance (anatomy, physiology and kinesiology). I was a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and operated the first Personal Training Certification program in the United States. My experience in the veterinary field includes kennel care, veterinary ward nurse and ward supervisor. I then helped open an alternative veterinary care practice with Dr. Darren Hawks, DVM where I began professionally practicing animal communication and getting familiar with flower essences. I then became a flower essence practitioner in 2002, trained by the Flower Essence Society in Nevada City, California.

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: : website by Cj Design : : photos by Art Durand
© Paws For Reflection